Sergio Gustavo Lampe

CEO | Co-Founder

Sergio is a sales solutions professional with a distinguished track record in high-tech companies and top-tier services.

He has accumulated vast commercial and business experience, which has been crucial for the founding of mb&l Consultores.

Electronic Engineer

Bachelor in Systems Analysis

Hewlett-Packard Argentina

Sun Microsystems

SAP Región Sur

EMC Argentina


+ 40 years of experience

He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Systems Analysis at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires.

Later, he completed a postgraduate degree in Business Development at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and a postgraduate degree in Business Management at the Argentine Catholic University.
He joined Hewlett-Packard Argentina in 1980 in the Sales Support area, until he was promoted to Sales Representative in 1986. He served as Sales Manager for the Financial Industry until the end of 1994.

In early 1995, he joined the start-up of Sun Microsystems as Sales Director for the Private Market, a position he held until 1997.
He later joined SAP Southern Region as Commercial Director with responsibility for Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. He led the commercial area during a period when SAP in the Southern region experienced strong growth and achieved the top position among ERP solution providers.

In early 1999, he accepted the position of Country Manager for EMC Argentina with responsibility for the Southern Cone. He was the first General Manager of this corporation in the Southern Region.

After this initial phase, he served as Regional Director of Alliances for EMC Latin America.
In August 2000, he joined Optiglobe as Senior Vice President of Sales for this new Data Center located on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

In October 2001, together with Daniel Mazar Barnett, he founded mb&l Consultores. He is an Ontological Coach from E.C.O.R.E. – Escuela de Coaching Ontológico de Rafael Echeverría.

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